Enzo Zak Lux works as a multidisciplinary architectural designer based in Berlin and Helsinki.

In his work, he explores the interaction of colour and architectural space.
His practice Studio Enzo Zak Lux creates spatial and communicative designs for exhibition spaces as well as commercial and private environments.

Enzo Zak Lux studied product design at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Berlin Weißensee School of Art in the field of interaction design.
He is currently undertaking an Interior Architecture Master's degree at Aalto University, Helsinki.
Since 2022, Enzo Zak Lux is a scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in the field of design.

Besides private clients, Enzo Zak Lux has worked for the following institutions and brands: Loehr with form Design Magazine supported by Wästberg, carlier | gebauer berlin, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz

Selected Exhibitions and Talks

Selected Press


mail: hi@enzozaklux.xyz
instagram: @enzozaklux.xyz

Colour Colloquium
Talk Series

2020 ongoing

Colour has to do with availability, with money, with time and speed, with production possibilities, with experience and taste.
 Colours have names, different quality, they are coarser and finer, sometimes bright, sometimes flat, they change their effect with the time of day or your own mood. They can be political, international. They please—or not—make us sad without us noticing; they warn us. Colours carry stories with them or remind us of something—we talk about or because of colours and think we can communicate.

It is clear that the choice of colour is an omnipresent part of every design process. In its relevance, it is equal to the search for the perfect form and optimal function, the suitable material, the right choice of font, the appropriate format and paper... Despite the importance attached to colour, there is uncertainty in the choice and the arbitrariness of the conventional search in the digital colour field of the respective graphics program as well as in the analog colour fan. So how can one approach colour as a designer*? Marcel Strauß and Enzo Zak Lux do this in very different ways.

The two designers studied together for a while at the HfG Karlsruhe and also maintain a friendship.
Nevertheless, there was no mutual exchange during the development process of the two theses. They were all the more astonished that the use of colour as the subject of an investigation can lead to fundamentally different questions and research results.

Colour Colloquium is thus the result of the discovery of a common fascination, many conversations, but above all the desire to understand what has been found as Open Source. Because you have already understood a lot about colour, if you understand talking about it and discussing it as a big part of the work on —and with—colour itself.

Marcel Strauß lives and works as a freelance designer (Dipl.-Des.) in Berlin.

Talks given so far:

At the ongoing Talk series «Sprechen Über» at Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee (GER) (06/2020)
As part of a series of three remote micro lectures titled ”TOMAYTO TOMATOH“ at
Vermont College of Fine Arts, VT (USA) (12/2020)

Cover photo and figure 1 are under the copyright of and photographed by Marcel Srauß.